Saturday, 31 May 2008

It's Sunday Tomorrow..!

It's hectic here..! Saturday started off flying, customer after lovely customer and that was after a very busy Friday. The trouble with being busy in the shop is that I didn't get into my workshop until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, which is crazy. Consequently some of the jobs didn't get done, not that they were needed for today but I wanted to get them finished early, never mind.
I could do with an on site jobber/goldsmith, my dilemma is that I don't want to send work out. I have tried that and you end up doing the job again sometimes because its not 100% right. Having someone at hand would allow me to train them to my way of getting the job done. I must put that ad' in the paper and see what turns up. Saying that 90+% of other jewellers send their work out and seem to get by, perhaps my powers of communication are lacking somewhere.
Time to pack up now, it's 5pm, late customer just walked in hope he doesn't spend next half hour looking the walk out without buying something.
My e-newsletter went out Thursday, still need to get more people signed up. The response has been good, apparently very good so my marketing people say, according to the open and click through rates. Its all good fun anyway, I hope people enjoy it, you never know it may just nudge someone to pop in and buy something.

Got to go now, Nancy and Brits got talent finals tonight, ye ha..! I will come up with something a bit more interesting next time.

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