Last month James Harrigan our resident 'diamond expert' crossed the pond and attended the Hearts on Fire university in Las Vegas. For those of you who dont know Hearts on Fire (or HOF) diamonds are the worlds most perfectly cut diamonds, which we stock at Ce' The Jeweller
Whilst in Vegas James learned how the diamonds were cut and the special technique's used by HOF to make sure that every stone achieves perfection, he was also treated to presentations from expert speakers and took part in team building exercises.
As part of James' role as our HOF liaison he imparts his knowledge upon the rest of us at weekly training evenings and at opportune moment's during the day. We took advantage of one of these rare moments today, and practised our 2 minute presentations.
The 2 minute presentation is chance for both us and our customer to handle a loose HOF stone, it allows us to demonstrate how well the stone is cut and explain the many unique thing about hearts on fire.
To start with James(on the right)
picks up the loose stone, in this case a 0.75ct, with his diamond tweezers. He then places it is under the proportion scope, this is a magnified and colour enhanced tube which allows you to see the facets on a diamond. With HOF diamonds it allows you to clearly see all of the facets, how they are perfectly proportioned, perfectly symmetrical and the pattern that they produce.
Once the proportion scope is aligned over the diamond, James checks it and then invites the customer to have a look. Whilst the customers is marveling at the cut, polish and symmetry of the stone James explains how HOF are able to cut their diamonds to this standard every time.
The main aim of our training today was to perfect our technique when showing the stone and to remember to involve as many as the unique things about HOF as possible, which isn't always easy when you standing in front of someone.
Here you can see James demonstrating a perfect 2 minute presentation, and me trying to replicate it, we think we did pretty well.
Here you can see James demonstrating a perfect 2 minute presentation, and me trying to replicate it, we think we did pretty well.
Theres only one way to find out how good we really are, come and see for yourself at Ce' The Jeweller
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